HARRISBURG – Sen. Chris Gebhard (R-48) announced today that Richland Borough will receive a $4.1 million low-interest loan from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) to replace a water storage tank.
Richland Borough’s existing water storage tank experiences inconsistent water pressure throughout the system and has reached the end of its useful life.
“The current water storage tank makes water service unreliable for the communities serviced by the borough. There are also health risks associated with leaking or failure of the tank,” Gebhard said. “Ensuring that the state’s infrastructure is operational is a key function of government, and I’m pleased that this funding is dedicated to that purpose.”
The funding will include the installation of a 500,000-gallon elevated water storage tank, interconnect piping, instrumentation, controls, communication systems, tank mixing system, surface and electrical work including an emergency generator. After the new tank is installed and operational, the old one will be taken offline.
Construction is estimated to begin in April and conclude in August 2026.
Throughout the life of the low-interest PENNVEST loan, it will provide nearly $1.2 million as a grant-equivalent. A grant of $1 million has been provided by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The loan and grant cover the full cost of the project.
PENNVEST approved the funding at its board meeting today. The state’s PENNVEST Program provides low-interest loans and grants for the design, engineering and construction of drinking water distribution facilities, stormwater conveyance and wastewater treatment and collection systems.
CONTACT: Alex Gamble