BERKS – Sen. Chris Gebhard (R-48) and Rep. Jamie Barton (R-124) announced nearly $67,000 in Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) funding is being awarded to Hamburg Borough, Berks County.
“I am grateful to have worked with Rep. Barton to help secure these funds for Hamburg Borough from Berks County’s share of profits made last year at the Hollywood Morgantown Casino,” Gebhard said.
“It is always exciting when you can offset some of the burden on taxpayers by paying public works projects with funds from the local gaming fund – it really is a win-win opportunity.” Barton said.
Hamburg Borough was awarded $66,118 to purchase a new tractor for use by the Hamburg Borough Public Works Department. Specifically, this tractor will be critical to maintaining the stormwater basin’s two controlled dams which have slopes ranging from five to 41 degrees.
This award was made possible through the CFA’s Local Share Account (LSA) program, which uses gaming revenue to support projects in the public interest across the commonwealth.
The CFA was established in 2004 as an independent agency of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development to administer the commonwealth’s economic stimulus packages. The Pennsylvania Race Horse Development and Gaming Act of 2004 provides for the distribution of gaming revenue through the CFA and its LSA program.
CONTACT: Matthew Urban, 717-787-5708 (Gebhard)
Lauren Miller, 570-668-1240 (Barton)