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In this Update:
Gebhard Announces More Than $223,000 in Gaming Revenues to Benefit Berks County ProjectsI was happy to announce more than $223,000 in Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) funding is being awarded for projects in Berks County. Bringing these gaming revenue funds back to the district will help to defray costs that would have otherwise been passed along to residents, or, unfortunately, many of these projects wouldn’t have happened at all. I’m grateful to have worked to play a part in securing this critical funding from the profits made at the Hollywood Casino in Morgantown, Berks County. The following projects were funded through the CFA’s Local Share Account (LSA) Program, which uses gaming revenue to support projects in the public interest across the commonwealth:
The CFA was established in 2004 as an independent agency of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development to administer the commonwealth’s economic stimulus packages. The Pennsylvania Race Horse Development and Gaming Act of 2004 provides for the distribution of gaming revenue through the CFA and its LSA program. PA Recovers $11.3 Million in Medicaid FraudOne of my top priorities is fighting fraud throughout state government, and I’m pleased that Attorney General Dave Sunday’s Medicaid Fraud Team recovered more than $11.3 million in misused Medicaid funding in fiscal year 2024. In fact, a federal annual report ranked Pennsylvania first in the nation for number of Medicaid fraud charges filed against individuals and third in convictions secured. The report also states that Medicaid Fraud units across the country recover $3.46 for every $1 spent by the units. Retrieving this funding gave limited-income and vulnerable populations access to health care as intended. The Medicaid Fraud Team prosecutes those who defraud the program through unlawful billing or failure to provide services. It also prosecutes those who neglect or abuse Pennsylvanians dependent on their care and those who financially exploit older adults or care-dependent persons. Visiting Lebanon Christian AcademyThis week, I had the pleasure of speaking to 4th grade students from Lebanon Christian Academy about the Pennsylvania legislature and our system of government here in Pennsylvania. I am always excited to share my experiences with students like these who were eager to learn and asked some great questions. It is imperative that our youth learn about our constitutional republic and their responsibilities to participate as they get older. A special thank you to Mrs. Arnold for the opportunity to speak with her class. Congratulations to Nathan Drasher Earning Rank of Eagle ScoutThose of you who have participated in Boys Scouts of America know that earning the rank of Eagle Scout is quite an accomplishment. I was honored to present a Senate Citation to recognize Nathan Drasher who recently accomplished this great achievement. A member of Troop 203, he served as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader and is a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow. For his Eagle Scout community service project, Nathan built a storage room for the Center of Champions in Harrisburg. He is pictured here with his father, Sean Drasher (Lebanon County Elections Director). Bill Shay Jr. Receives CLA 2025 Merritt Marks Businessperson of the Year AwardCongratulations to Bill Shay, Jr. who was the recipient of the CLA 2025 Merritt Marks Businessperson of the Year Award. I couldn’t think of a more deserving businessperson. Bill is the owner of Shay’s vending, a family-owned business here in Lebanon. He has supported countless local causes, youth sports, local organizations, and our schools. Thank you for all you have done for the Lebanon Community. Damaged License Plate? Replace It For Free At Our Drive-Thru EventDamaged plates have loss of reflectivity, peeling, blistering, or discoloration, and are unreadable from 50 feet away. Stop by our drive-thru event on April 5th from 10am-12pm at the Conrad Weiser Middle School, 347 Penn Ave, Robesonia to have your license plate checked. The police will determine if the plate needs replacement and help with appropriate paperwork. There is no fee for this service, but registration is required. Once submitted to PennDOT, the new replacement plate will arrive to our district office for pick up. Please contact our District Office at 610-562-3411 to register. Please bring your vehicle registration card. Online Unclaimed Property Auction – March 26 and 27Pennsylvania’s next auction of unclaimed property – including jewelry, collectible coins, currency and more – will take place on March 26 and 27. Treasurer Stacy Garrity said more than 5,500 items will hit the auction block, and anyone interested in bidding can register on the website of the Pennsylvania Treasury Department’s auctioneer partner, Pook & Pook. Unclaimed tangible property, like the items being auctioned, comes to Treasury most often from forgotten safe deposit boxes. Treasury works to find the rightful owner for at least three years before auctioning an item but holds auctions twice a year to make room for incoming property in Treasury’s vault – the largest working vault in the country. All items sold at auction are carefully documented, and net proceeds remain with Treasury until a rightful owner comes forward to claim the property – no matter how much time passes. Treasury is working to return more than $4.5 billion in unclaimed property that is owed to more than one in 10 Pennsylvanians. The average value of a claim is about $1,600. This money can belong to individuals, businesses, nonprofits, local government entities and other organizations. Anyone can search for unclaimed property online. My office is also always glad to help you file a claim or to answer any of your questions. Job Openings for Lifeguards at State ParksApplications are being accepted through March 31 for summer job opportunities at 13 of Pennsylvania’s state parks. Lifeguards will be paid $17 an hour and must have proper certifications. Full-time and part-time schedules are available. Lifeguards are essential in safeguarding the health and safety of park visitors. Duties will include overseeing the swimming zones, upholding park policies and addressing emergencies. Find information about required qualifications and apply online here. Protect Your Home from a FloodFlooding is the most frequent and expensive U.S. natural disaster. Yet, it’s not typically covered through most homeowners and renter’s insurance. More than 20% of the National Flood Insurance Program’s claims come from outside high-risk flood areas. Those who live in areas with low-to-moderate flooding risk are five times more likely to experience a flood than a fire in their home in the next 30 years. You can determine your risk using this flood map. Checking your policy and consulting your agent to confirm that flood perils are included in your insurance can save you. Review flood insurance basics so you know how to protect your home. Celebrating National Agriculture WeekAgriculture – one of Pennsylvania’s top industries – directly impacts our health, economy and communities. It also preserves open space. Farmers work tirelessly to provide us with fresh produce and dairy products. Supporting them is as easy as enjoying the wonderful foods they offer. As the weather begins to improve, farmers markets will pop up all over the state. Read more about Pennsylvania’s farmers markets. In addition to farming, many other jobs play an important role in our state’s agricultural success. Pennsylvania’s more than 500,000 jobs in agriculture also include the fields of business, technology, science and more. Local EventsSaturday, March 22, 8am-1pm: Pancake Breakfast & Bake Sale Saturday, March 22, 11am: Military Pets Share Bingo Saturday, March 22, 10am: Let’s Play Day 2025 Monday, March 24, 7:30pm: PHEAA Presents: Financial Aid Timeline Saturday, March 22, 11am-5pm: Scott Troop 446 Annual Spaghetti Dinner and Bake Sale Saturday, March 22, 9am-2pm: Blue Mountain Christian 5th Annual Craft Show Wednesday, March 26, 8am: Lancaster Quilt Show at Lebanon Valley Expo Saturday, March 22, 11am-12pm: A Bird’s Eye View of Berks
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