Senator Gebhard E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • State Court Blocks Gov. Wolf’s $781 Million Carbon Tax Pending Further Order
  • Senate Votes to Expand Sexual Assault Law to Cover Crimes Against Care-Dependent Pennsylvanians
  • Observing Sexual Assault Awareness Month
  • Safe Exchange Zones Could Come to More PA Communities with Senate Vote
  • Grants Available to Help Drug and Alcohol Recovery Houses
  • Saturday is National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day
  • York County Emergency Rental Assistance Program
  • Honoring the Life of Lt. William Lebo

State Court Blocks Gov. Wolf’s $781 Million Carbon Tax Pending Further Order

In a win for Pennsylvania consumers and workers, Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court this week ruled Gov. Tom Wolf’s $781 million carbon tax could not take effect pending a full order from the court.

The ruling came a day after Republicans stood united in an attempt to override the governor’s veto of the resolution that disapproves of Pennsylvania joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). The effort came up one vote short when Democrats voted against the state’s economic interests in favor of a policy that will spike residential electricity bills 30% and kill 22,000 jobs.

Just last week, impartial analysis from the Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) concluded RGGI could nearly quadruple new electricity costs for consumers above the administration’s own year-old projections for the program. The IFO also warned members “those costs would be pushed through to final customers.”

As for environmental benefits, multiple independent reports show emissions from Pennsylvania’s power sector declined at a comparable rate to the other 10 RGGI states over the last decade.

The Wolf Administration is attempting to enter this pact through the regulatory process without the approval of the legislature. Every other participating state entered RGGI through the legislative process – not unilateral executive action. A bipartisan majority of legislators has consistently voted against RGGI when the issue has been brought to the floor for a vote.

Senate Votes to Expand Sexual Assault Law to Cover Crimes Against Care-Dependent Pennsylvanians

The Senate voted to expand the law against institutional sexual assault to include assaults by caregivers on care-dependent individuals, closing a loophole that allows perpetrators to escape punishment.

Current law against sexual assault applies to institutions such as prisons, schools and law enforcement. It is premised on the fact that truly consensual sexual acts are not possible where someone is in a position of power over another. 

Passage of Senate Bill 704 recognizes the same power disparity exists between caretakers and those in their care. Such individuals face additional challenges to reporting sexual abuse due to the circumstances that make them dependent upon others, including physical or cognitive disabilities, and mental and physical health struggles.

Expanding the law against institutional sexual assault eliminates the loophole that permits perpetrators to falsely claim the victim consented. Senate Bill 704 will be sent to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Observing Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Expanding the law against institutional sexual assault is just the latest action taken by the General Assembly to stand together against this vile crime.

In recent years, lawmakers enacted measures strengthening the rights of sexual assault survivors and bolstering their ability to obtain justice.   

Need help? Call 800-656-HOPE (4673) to be connected with a trained staff member from a local sexual assault service provider.

Safe Exchange Zones Could Come to More PA Communities with Senate Vote

Legislation to create a grant program to establish Safe Exchange Zones throughout Pennsylvania was approved by the Senate and sent to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Senate Bill 881 would provide a safe area for individuals to exchange goods bought and sold through an online marketplace, as well as serving as a safe place for child custody exchanges, among other practices.

The Safe Exchange Zones would be voluntary and require the agreement of the participating law enforcement agencies. The zones would be equipped with video surveillance and are either within 100 feet of a law enforcement office or located near a public area with an active public presence. Passage came a year to the day that Cambria County resident Denise Williams was murdered after she attempted to finalize the purchase of an item found through Facebook Marketplace.

Grants Available to Help Drug and Alcohol Recovery Houses

Effective treatment for individuals in recovery from a substance use disorder is essential for healthy communities. State grants are available to help recovery houses with facility upgrades to comply with federal, state, and local laws and receive a state license.

Grants up to $50,000 for a 12-month period beginning July 1 will be awarded to eligible applicants for health and safety upgrades including demolition, debris removal, rehabilitation improvements, environmental remediation costs, and construction and inspections to comply with state regulations.

Applicants must meet several qualifications to be eligible. More information is available here.

Saturday is National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day

Saturday is a day to remember the half-million American service members taken prisoner in battles since the Revolutionary War.

It’s commemorated on April 9 because that day in 1942 was the prelude to the Bataan Death March in the Philippines, the forcible transfer by the Imperial Japanese Army of up to 80,000 American and Filipino prisoners of war. Up to 650 American and 10,000 Filipino soldiers died during the brutal, 65-mile march.

We must never forget the ordeal faced by prisoners of war during captivity and the emotional toll on those fortunate enough to survive.

York County Emergency Rental Assistance Program

York County has received nearly $50 million in Emergency Rental Assistance Program funds to provide households impacted by Covid-19 with rental and utility assistance.  To date, they have provided approximately $30 million in assistance to over 7000 households.  On December 22, 2021, they closed the applications for a period of time to catch up with applications. 

Effective April 1, they will re-open the online application system.  The online application can be accessed at

Honoring the Life of Lt. William Lebo

4/6/22 - Condolence Resolution: Lt. William Lebo

This week, the Senate unanimously passed my resolution to honor the life and service of Lebanon City Police Lieutenant William Lebo, who was fatally wounded on March 31, 2022 responding to a domestic disturbance call in Lebanon City. He was one month away from retiring after a 40-year career at the Lebanon City Police Department.  By all accounts Lt. Lebo was a kind, well liked, and a respected officer in our community.  It is truly heartbreaking and a reminder of the risks our police face everyday. 


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